What Can Happen Legally When Your Teenager Is Charged With A DUI?

Posted on: 19 June 2019

When a teenager is charged with driving under the influence (DUI), it can result in very serious consequences for them. While you might think since they are young and this is most likely their first offense, so the charges won't be serious, most states have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to DUI charges against teenagers. If the police pull your teenager over and suspect that they have been drinking or that they are otherwise impaired, they will administer a breathalyzer test to check their blood alcohol content.
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Potential Workers' Compensation Claims For A Bakery Employee

Posted on: 16 April 2019

Whether you work at a commercial bakery, a small independent one, or one inside of a supermarket, this is a job that can give you a sense of satisfaction in knowing that you're making baked goods that customers will enjoy eating. Proper training can help to keep you safe on the job, but there's no denying that working in a bakery can have its share of risks. Being hurt to the extent that you can no longer work may lead to financial struggles for you, so if you're facing such a situation, talking to a workers' compensation attorney is your best move.
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What's the Difference Between Guardianship or Adopting Your Grandchild?

Posted on: 16 April 2019

Sometimes parents die, sometimes they go to jail, sometimes they suffer from mental health problems or addictions that make effective parenting impossible. Whatever the reason, it isn't uncommon for a grandparent to end up raising their grandchild these days. If this happens to you, it's important to understand the type of legal options you have. While both legal guardianship and adoption can provide a certain degree of stability for you and your grandchild, the right choice depends a lot on your goals and the individual situation with your grandchild.
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Being Deposed for Worker's Compensation Claims

Posted on: 7 March 2019

Being hurt on the job can take on a new meaning if you are unable to get benefits. Hurt workers are usually entitled to be paid partial wages and for their medical care, at least in most instances. Unfortunately, not all claims proceed smoothly. Part of the appeals process might mean you taking part in something known as a deposition. To help you be prepared to be deposed, read on to find out more.
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